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It would be fantastic to have certainties and know for sure what happened without guessing or creating scenarios so that we can solve a crime and punish/rehabilitate the guilty party, but sometimes we just dont know. As hardas the media tried to portray him as a sociopath, it was never confirmed or corroborated in any shape or form by any of his peers or a mental health professional assigned to his case. At the prompting of his clean-living fiance, Jennifer Lopez, Affleck, who quit drinking in 2001, has traded in his cigarettes for Nicorette gum and has also followed J.Lo's lead when it comes to exercise, joining her on morning workout sessions with trainer Gunnar Peterson. Edwards kept fetuses in jars and took them out to use as props in his rituals. "When he's unfinished and unpolished," says Abdul, "that's when he looks best." NONPROFIT EXECUTIVE NANCY IVES HER JOB TAKES her to the hinterlands of Asia and Africa, where hot showers are rare. The links are all at the bottom of the article, but thanks for posting the excerpt for the ones not inclined to read them. So under this line of reasoning, what Id call Pre-Throwbacks (or maybe some other name involving renewed earnest or expressing a dissatisfaction with detachment and irony, which seems to be a big part of Lady Gaga and Aaron Swartz and Michael Ceras oeuvre thus far, anyway) were born from 1984-1991, and then it becomes a 1-0 pattern.


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