Book Pro Joomla Download Manager >
Book Pro Joomla Download Manager
Custom style: Options in Keyword Linking plugin enables you to insert custom class to links (e.g: hasTip for Joomla tooltip) or add tag, style to keywords when displaying them. -Users stored in a CSV/Excell file Unlike other extensions which send emails as soon as the emails created, Mailer Pro store(queue) created emails in database and each time it only send a small number of emails (configurable - for example 50 emails each time). I used this to: All my web sites. Permission of the category will be inherited from the component permission setting. Especially, with sleek-loading slide effects, the module can fade or slide testimonials depending on the configuration that have been set in the module parameters. Close Button: The module locks out all pages functions behind the popup. Built-in translation feature Allow you to change language strings (without having to edit language files directly) and translate it to different languages (if your site is multilingual).
You can set meta data (meta keywords, meta description) for each category and document Download Logs Allowing you to see who downloaded your documents, user's IP, user's web browser, download date. As a user, I expanded my understanding of ACL. Thanks jDownloads!!! A complete download solution jan Dankers (1). It allows you to create events(both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events(Individual, Group registration or Shopping cart) and process payment via online payment gateways. Technical Specifications Important!Please make sure you are running the latest versions of Joomla!. All the settings and functions are clearly defined. You can also setup recurring subscription plans(Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). Custom CSS field to add your own CSS code.
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